The notorious crypto-phishing app Angel Drainer shut down after it may have been identified, according to a report published July 16 by blockchain security firm Match Systems. On February 5, blockchain security firm Blockaid reported that phishing scammers used Angel Drainer to steal more than $25 million from 35,000 individual crypto users. On July 16 at around 4 PM (UTC), Match Systems announced on X that it had made progress on "Angel Drainer member de-anonymization," meaning that it had disc...
据区块链安全公司Match Systems7月16日发布的报告称,臭名昭著的加密网络钓鱼应用程序Angel Drainer在可能被识别后关闭。2月5日,区块链安全公司Blockaid报告称,网络钓鱼诈骗者利用Angel Drainer从35,000名个人加密用户那里窃取了超过2500万美元。 7月16日下午4点左右(UTC时间),Match Systems在X上宣布其在“Angel Drainer成员去匿名化”方面取得了进展,这意味着它已经发现...